5.0 out of 5 stars from Amazon.com
Essential Being: a guide for “Taking the risk of being yourself”, January 17, 2010
By Michael F. Bouscaren

Doreen Downing’s “Essential Speaking” delivers practical tools from many perspectives to release the true self as speaker. She shows us how to become the open hearted, connected persons we all long for but are afraid of becoming. Doreen guides the reader into a sense of security with the silent center of self. From this truthful, honest place the speaker connects with intimacy (“into me see”) to her audience, drawing a sympathetic and connected response. Doreen’s compelling message disengages us from our fear of being imperfect, and instead challenges us to use this human quality of imperfection as the hook that attracts an audience to the person speaking even more powerfully than the words the person speaks. We remember “beyond fear is freedom” and with Doreen’s gentle support enable ourselves to become dynamic and sought after speakers, on all platforms and to all audiences. Bravo !