Our common language

There is a common language we all share and it is more powerful than words.

The best way to explain this language is to share about my recent trip to Greece.

The phrase, “it’s all Greek to me” ran through my mind constantly.

When I tried to communicate with someone other than a shopkeeper, it was literally all Greek to me. I couldn’t understand anything.

I realized, however, that I did connect with individuals using another language… we “spoke” to each other using nonverbal language. We still found a way to communicate. Sometimes these interactions felt more “real” to me than the verbal ones.

The power of non-verbal language

There is an honesty in non-verbal communications.

A smile indicates warmth. A shrug of the shoulders says maybe. Shaking my head sideways means no, etc.

So, what’s one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to be a better speaker?

They focus only on the words.

When you work on being a better speaker and focus only on the words, you miss that “real” feeling. The feeling that comes from non-verbal communication… almost communion… with another human.

A connection with another person or an audience is made more complete with nonverbal language.

The core of a good presentation is not just the words. Words and what you say are just one element.

You can have the perfect words, but if your non-verbal communication doesn’t match what you’re saying…

…your audience will “hear Greek.”

They won’t understand you. Why? Because your words and what you are really communicating are incongruent, they don’t match up.

When someone is incongruent we automatically do two things:

  1. Stop trusting them, and
  2. Tune them out.

Two things you never want your audience to do, right?

Definitely not!

So make sure your non-verbal communication matches your words. I can help, click here to learn more about courses I offer or click here to directly contact me.